Long, useful summary of History of Sexuality

D. Travers Scott has posted a long and detailed summary of the whole of History of Sexuality, Vol 1.

Scott is a Ph.D student at USC and writes it all up in an easy, contemporary style.

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Hupomnēmata and blogging

In light on some recent analysis of blogging from the perspective of its labor value (and sign value) it might be worth recalling some rather under-used concepts from Foucault: hupomnēmata and self-writing.

This concept allows for a practice which is non-confessional, that is, it is not meant to be an outpouring of something that already exists (and a seeking of some kind of absolution or affirmation) but a process, event or practice in and of itself. That is, what Foucault calls hupomnēmata.

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Special issue on biopolitics

Culture Machine, a journal dedicated to “generating research in culture & theory” has a special issue on biopolitics.

From the Editorial:

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