Reed Elsevier and the boycott

As if to illustrate the previous post on our complicity in {surveillance | government}, here is an update on the moves to boycott Elsevier’s journals and projects.

As you may know, Elsevier have a sister company that organizes the world’s largest arms fair, DSEI. They are also an academic publisher, and I am a section editor in one of their flagship products, the International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (IEHG). There is currently a boycott of the IEHG, but I have chosen to remain involved.

Ideolect has coverage.

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Foucault translator has new book

There’s a nice profile of Lydia Davis, who has translated some of Foucault’s pieces (eg., Polemics, Politics and Problematizations) in the New York Times.

Her new book is called Varieties of Disturbance.

Her belief that language is both the subject and the medium of fiction has not led her, as we might expect, into solipsistic echo chambers, but into new worlds.